We're a quirky gang of misfits building a unique, trail‑blazing, democratic company, and ditching rule books as we go. A rare breed of experts, leaders, poets, rebels and geeks working 100% remotely four days a week. Our work philosophy encourages freedom and independence, as well as accountability, commitment, creativity, craft, and personal development.
We what we do madly. And we rock at it.
Alicia Moreno
Marketing Specialist
Gustavo Zago
Web Developer
Bruno Melluso
Frontend Developer
Daniel Rico
Founder & CTO
Edilson Samuel
Web Developer
Francisco Cavada
Design & QA
Laura Cavada
Ramon Cipriano
Web Developer
Patricia Antuña
Language Mechanic - Translation & Writing
Marina Almeida
Mateus Machado
Web Developer
Santiago Melluso
Founder & CEO
Made with across many timezones
© Red Forest USA LLC. All rights reserved